1. The Director’s Spy

Otherwise known as the teacher’s pet. This student is the undercover agent who hangs out with all the other thespians waiting to audition. But really? They’re observing everything you and the rest of the auditioners are up to so that they can later prepare a detailed report for the director.
How to spot them: They know the teacher’s Starbucks order by heart.
2. The Musical Theatre Obsessive

They know the lyrics and cast lists for every musical released in the past five years, wear Broadway musical t-shirts to school every day, and will tell anyone who listens about that time they took a vocal workshop with Sutton Foster.
How to spot them: You can’t miss their incredibly loud and dramatic vocal warm-ups
3. The New to Theatre Kid

This is their first audition, and it shows. They have never heard of a headshot or resume, they’ve prepared a monologue from the last episode Keeping Up With the Kardashians, and they plan to sing a song by Justin Beiber.
How to spot them: They’re ready to be a star, but they have no idea where to stand on stage.
4. The Actor Tech

They’re only there because they want to do tech, but the teacher/director is forcing them audition for a grade.
How to spot them: They perform the shortest monologue you’ve ever heard, and they disappear from the stage in an instant.
5. The Kid Who Loves Improv

This jokester prefers to “wing it,” but if they HAVE TO have a monologue, they’ll bring one from a Jim Carey movie — a monologue they haven’t rehearsed so that it feels spontaneous for the audition.
How to spot them: They made up the words to the audition song.
6. The Jock Who’s Intrigued by Theatre

This athletic superstar was put into a theatre class by mistake, and along the way figured out that this “acting stuff can be fun” — but only if it works around their after-school sports schedule.
How to spot them: They are wearing their jersey to the audition.
7. The Shy One

Quiet as a mouse, they somehow arrived at auditions, waited their turn, and performed a monologue and song, all while flying completely under the radar, and drawing no attention to themselves.
How to spot them: The teacher asked their name.
8. The Diva

She’s been the lead in every show she’s auditioned for, she plans to continue her reign as Supreme Drama Queen, and she vows to destroy anyone or anything that tries to interfere with that.
How to spot them: She probably pushed you out of the way on the way into the audition.
9. The Triple Threat Heartthrob

He’s a charmer who can act, sing, and dance. His audition leaves the whole room swooning.
How to spot them: He makes your heart flutter.
10. The New Friend

The friendships you create during shows and at auditions can last a lifetime. This is the person you’re thankful everyday to have met. They have your back, and you have theirs. Thespian fam for life!
How to Spot Them: They’re by your side, keeping you sane through the whole audition, and making sure you don’t fall off the stage.